Seaside Baptist Church
Meeting at 5851 MacArthur Blvd, Ca 94602
Sunday School @9:30a.m. Morning service 10:30a.m. (510)689-6442

Friday, September 30, 2011

Starting Seaside Baptist Church

How exciting, in one week my husband will preach his first message at Seaside Baptist Church in Oakland,ca. For now we will be meeting a the Presbyterian Park Blvd. church. They will be letting us use the gym and nursery for one month. I gues it will be our trial month. Praise the Lord though that we get to start services somewhere. We are nervous but excited. My husband has his goals for the church and I have some also but not any differant then his but as a christian wife: to reach ladies who have not accepted Jesus as their savior, reach ladies who are saved but have strayed from the christian life(going to church , bible reading, praying, serving God), to let ladies know that their is a baptist church Oakland, ca that still sings Old Fashioned hymns, goes out soul-winning, and has a heart for missionaries.I hope that is not to much to ask for but it is a start.I will be posting pictures after our first Sunday.

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