Seaside Baptist Church
Meeting at 5851 MacArthur Blvd, Ca 94602
Sunday School @9:30a.m. Morning service 10:30a.m. (510)689-6442

Friday, April 13, 2012

If momma aint happy no body is either.

    Well we have been in Oakland for ten months now. Seaside Bapitst church has been going for six months already.We are averaging about 12 people a month including us. Honestly I am not down about the numbers, I mean there have been challenges passing out our tracts, alot of people just flat out refuse our invites.  There are alot of weird roads and hills, and stairs` so that has challenged me when taking theclittle ones. Going with my husband to pass them out is easier then going by myself. My almost 2 year old can get a bit demanding and I have one daughter who likes to keep running ahead and I keep telling her to walk with us. I am in that paranoid stage I guess, I keep thinking any minute a van is going to stop and pull her in.  Then I scold myself and ask God to forgive me for not trusting he is taking care of us..
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     So my home schooling has been a challenge for me. The Lord has really tested me in this area and I can say I humbly failed the test. My spirit was not good at all. After attending two conferances in February I came home and finally talked to my husband and we figured out the problem. I let my priorities get mixed up. I did not  have God first in my life. I have been a christian for 10 years and i thought I would know if this would happen. Apparentlly not. the key was that I had to humble my self and we know that is a hard thing as a mom. We are supposed to have it all together, meals, school, husband, church, house work, etc. So I just am trying to take it day by day. As looked through my bible and the Lord gave me a verse. I am putting this here not for people to feel sorry for me as a reminder that it is easy to think we have things under control when we don't. I think the worst thing about this was the anger i felt for having to homeschool. It was really ruling my spirit at home.

 Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Everytime I feel like I am not doing ok that verse has popped into my head.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Alicia~ Just wanted to stop in and say Hi. Thank you for following The Santos Times. We love having visitors and followers. I am also from the Central Valley - Fresno. Grew up there and except for me, my whole family still lives in California (all over).

    God is in control of the details of our lives. Even though it feels like it at times, He is not out to test us for a *pass or fail*. We are all failures. The Bible says, "while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." But He does want to change us and fill us with His fullness. So, this means that at times, like a loving Father, He shows us where we need to improve or change.

    One of the biggest things God is showing me right now is how often I lean on my own understanding. He is teaching me not to anticipate what He will do, but to wait and accept what He does, even if I don't understand or like it. At first it seems hard, but then the fruit of it is Peace. (Heb 12) I pray this for you also.

    Sorry for such a long comment. So nice to meet you. Also, you left your comment on the Scripture CD page. Would you like me to mail you a CD? Your children may like to memorize the songs. If so, you can e-mail me at llsantos5 at msn dot com. Otherwise, God bless you and your beautiful family. Hope to see you in the "blogosphere" again.
